Love begins from home

Monday, March 5, 2012 0 comments
Growing up in a regular Chinese family, my family matter most to me. Now I strongly believe this Chinese saying "百事孝为先", which means filial piety should be of utmost priority. 

I grew up running wild and free but the importance of my family is always close to my heart. Life is full of ups and downs but most of the time, your family is that one safe harbor you can always return to.

Remember how you were carried to the doctor when you were young

During the cremation ceremony for my deceased paternal grandmother, I chanced upon this book in the temple going through the ritual. The comic strip in one part of the book shows how our parents will selflessly take care of us regardless of our needs. When our parents grow old, they also become frail and sick, needing our help to help them change their diapers and etc. What was usually done selflessly for their children, might not be reciprocated. I believe in Karma and it's always sad to see such things happening.

I love this song. Remember to listen to your parents =)

When we get older our expression of love changes. We seldom show our emotions to express just how much we really care and love our family. We probably use actions more often to portray our care and concern. 

When people gets older, their love and attention may shift more to their wife and kids. So think about when was the last time you spoke to your parents, siblings or grandparents. When was the last time you tell them "I love you, thank you for everything"? When was the last time you kiss them or hug them? 

When was the last time you talk to your grandparents? 
Time waits for no man.


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